
26 April 2013

A quiz about Scotland!!!

Choose the correct answer and complete the table. What's the secret word?

1 What's the name of the capital of Scotland?

(h) London.         
(i) Edinburgh.         
(j) Glasgow.

2 In Scotland people speak ...

(l) French.           
(m) German.          
(n) English and Gaelic.

3 Nessie lives in ...

(u) Loch Lomond.      
(v) Loch Ness.         
(w) Loch Tay.

4 The Scottish flag is blue with ...

(e) a white cross.        
(f) a red cross.         
(g) white stars.

5 What's the biggest city in Scotland?

(l) Edinburgh.
(m) Aberdeen.
(n) Glasgow.

6 What's the highest mountain in Scotland?

(s) Snowdon.
(t) Ben Nevis.
(u) Scafell Pike.

7 Sean Connery is a famous Scottish ...

(m) explorer.
(n) scientist.
(o) actor.

8 Which is the longest river in Scotland?

(r) Rver Tay.
(s) River Thames.
(t) River Taff.

Secret word
Clue: Who was Alexander Graham Bell?

Mystery Creatures!!!


The Kraken was an enormous sea creature. It lived at the bottom of the sea. It looked like an octopus with many legs. In the 16th century people believed that the Kraken attacked ships and killed people. But perhaps the Kraken was a giant squid and not a monster at all.


For many years people reported the existence of a monster in Loch Ness in Scotland. The monster looked like a dinosaur with a small head and a long neck. In the 20th century more than 5,000 people claimed to see the Loch Ness monster. But perhaps it was a prehistoric animal and not a monster at all.


The Komodo dragon lived on the island of Komodo in Indonesia. The dragon looked like an enormous crocodile with a long tail. Many sailors visited the island and claimed to see the dragon. In 1912 scientists discovered that the Komodo dragon was a giant lizard and not a dragon at all.


The Yeti lived in the Himalayas. The creature was big and hairy. It walked on two feet and was nearly three metres tall. It looked like a bear, but it probably was a giant gorilla. This legend became very popular in the 19th century.

Find the answers on the text:

-Where did the Kraken live?
-What did the Loch Ness monster look like?
-What was the Komodo dragon?
-How tall was the Yeti?

22 April 2013

Let's cook!!!

Cooking recipes to print and games to have fun.


Let's practice vocabulary!!!

Here you have a useful link to practice vocabulary with infants. You can print worksheets too. PRESS THE LINK AND HAVE FUN!!!

15 April 2013

Let's mix colours!!!

A great 1st cycle activity to practise sorting and mixing colours. You can print your picture when you finish it.


12 April 2013